Estate Planning Services


Estate Planning Services

You have people you love. You want to plan for their care if the unthinkable happens. This means making sure that kids have guardians, and that the people you financially support aren’t left in the dark without access to your accounts and assets for months or years. It means that your family has a roadmap to help them navigate through this difficult time, that as they are wading through grief and getting used to their new normal, they can see that your love is guiding them throughout the process because you took the time to plan carefully and thoroughly.

The Plan

 All of our plans:

 1 - Are comprehensive, complete plans for death and incapacity, because a will is useless if you are incapacitated, and you are four times likelier to be incapacitated than you are to die prematurely; 

 2 - Include all communication with no separate billing for any calls or emails or meetings, ever, so that you know you can always contact us with any questions about your estate planning;

 3 - Include a free plan review every three years, so that you can make sure that your plan is always up to date and you haven't wasted your investment by the time the plan is needed; 

 4 - Are done on a flat-fee basis, with all costs agreed to in advance, so that you know exactly what you are paying before the work is done. Costs for a single planner with an estate value under $1 million* can typically range between $2250-$4500, and for a couple doing joint planning with an estate value under $2 million* can typically range between $2750-$5500, depending on what type of plan the client chooses. 

*For single planners with an estate value over $1 million, or couples doing joint planning with an estate value over $2 million, you may need to do additional planning to reduce or avoid estate taxes. Please see our Legacy Planning page for more information.

The Client

The type of client that we work best with one-on-one is the client who approaches estate planning from the place of wanting to do the best that they can to protect and provide for their family if the unthinkable happens. This option is not the right choice for people who want the cheapest option, but we are always open to setting up payment plans for clients who understand the value of our one-on-one planning, but cannot pay in full up front. We also take credit cards so that clients can get those airline miles out of this whole thing. 

The Process

The way that we start the estate planning process is to set up an estate planning meeting with Candice, in which she will go over your family and financial situation (you would fill out a worksheet and provide any previously prepared planning docs to me ahead of time) and show you what things would look like for your family if something happened to you with the current plan that you have in place. From there, we can identify any areas of concern and plan to avoid anything you don't like. Candice likes clients to know exactly what the risks and benefits are to their planning and to know exactly what they are paying us to do. The meeting can last up to two hours. The meeting costs $450.00, but if you move forward with planning, that amount is deducted from your flat fee. We charge this fee because Candice’s time is very limited and the information she provides at the meeting is invaluable, whether you both decide to work together or not. You will leave knowing exactly what issues you face and how to fix them.

The estate planning process is typically a three-meeting process: 1) Initial meeting + plan design; 2) Signing meeting; 3) Final meeting. With about 4 weeks between meetings, it's about a 2-month process from 1st meeting to last. 

Please let us know if we can answer any other questions for you.

Candice offers a complimentary 15-minute phone consult, and you can schedule that and/or your first “Estate planning session” here: