
Portland Oregon Legal Planning News

September Is World Alzheimer's Month

As we welcome September, it's time to shed light on a significant global health issue - Alzheimer's disease. This month is World Alzheimer's Month, a campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer's and dementia.

You may know someone affected by Alzheimer's - a family member, a friend, or a neighbor. This disease not only affects those diagnosed but also their caregivers, families, and communities.

Perhaps this month, consider learning more about Alzheimer's, sharing information to spread awareness, or even supporting a local Alzheimer's organization. Every little bit can make a difference in this fight.

In our field, Alzheimer's reminds us of the importance of early planning - from estate planning to elder law considerations. Proper planning can help to protect those affected by the disease and their loved ones. Remember, the fight against Alzheimer's is a global effort. Let's take a moment to stand with those affected and contribute in any way we can to make a difference. We're in this together.

If you want to get started on your estate plan, read about our estate planning services and schedule an appointment.

To your family's health + happiness.

~Candice N. Aiston